Download here: Right Click
CameraMator is a tool that allows users to preview and share photos beyond a camera’s viewfinder, wirelessly. For the uninitiated, tethered photography involves connecting a camera to a computer or tablet via firewire or USB cable, but it can also be wireless. CameraMator lets users upload photos to their iPad or iPhone sans wires or cables. They can also preview and edit images while shooting. The result? An efficient and economical photo shoot. The CameraMator consists of a wireless component that attaches to a DSLR, and the CameraMator iPad/iPhone app, which controls the camera and displays the images, its creators said. Users just log their Apple devices on to the same network as the CameraMator, launch the app and start photographing.So far, the project has raised nearly $4,000 of its $80,000 goal on Kickstarter. Checkout the video below:
Canon sell a number of lenses in a special series they refer to as L for “luxury.” These are their most expensive and highest-quality lenses, and are readily identifiable by the red stripe painted around the end of the barrel.
L series lenses offer higher optical quality than their non-L equivalents, and have an important technical aspect in common. At least one element in every L lens is either made of fluorite crystal rather than glass, is a ground aspheric lens element (not a moulded/replicated aspheric lens as used in less expensive lenses) or is made from ultra-low dispersion glass. Most L series lenses are also sturdily built - many are encased in metal barrels and most are weatherproofed - and most are very fast lenses for their focal lengths. Nearly all telephoto L series lenses are also off-white rather than black.
These lenses are, therefore, marketed as professional camera lenses and are usually priced out of the range of most consumers. They can be used to take great photographs, but the cost, weight and size of these lenses are the tradeoffs.
Of course, a lens doesn’t have to be an L series lens to take good pictures. Many EOS lenses offer excellent optical quality - they just don’t need and thus don’t have exotic fluorite lens elements and so on. Many of Canon’s prime lenses in the 35mm to 135mm range fit in this category - see below. And some recent EF-S lenses offer near-L image quality but lack the red ring and the tough build quality of contemporary L series lenses.
Note also that the presence of a red ring around the end of a lens barrel only indicates an L series lens if it’s actually made by Canon. Some other makers happily paint red stripes around the end of their lenses too, but this in no way guarantees that the lens meets the quality standard of a Canon L lens.
Check out the list of “L-Series Canon Lenses”.
It is important to note that there are two different types of USM lenses. A Ring ultrasonic, is the one you want to purchase. Then there are Micro motor ultrasonic drives that Canon places into their cheaper lenses. Unfortunately, they also letter these cheaper versions with USM as well. While these cheaper versions are quieter, they don't however focus as quickly as a true ring ultrasonic lens. Therefore, you need to check the lens specifications before purchasing to ensure it is a ring ultrasonic lens, and not a cheaper version created for what is rumored to be marketing reasons.
Here it is: the one chart you’ll ever need to understand shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. It will help you to create better black and white photos, it helps to explain why your lenses are more important than your camera, how to get the most of them, etc. If you don’t understand any of this, take a look at our guide to terminology [Link below]. Or…take it with you.This chart will help you with the dark art of metering and shooting out in the field, like at pop culture events.
Source: The Photographer
Not sure if you are crazy enough to try this. Well, I am. Some thing interesting and just for fun. Check out this funny video and you too can try this. The website below “yowayowa” is a Japanese term meaning "weak" or "feeble." Natsumi Hayashi shares some of her photos on her website. Her work involves "Levitation Photography", which is basically shots that make the subject look like they are floating in mid air.
More pic on http://yowayowacamera.com/
Source: DigitalRev TV, yowayowa
Designed to help you further develop your Google+ networking abilities and refine your photography talents, this this history-making conference will be powered by Google's Hangout (web conferencing) technology and the G+ platform to offer a collaborative mix of photography, social media, branding and networking sessions that will teach you how take full advantage of what's happening now and what’s to come on Google+. The informative sessions will be taught by the best Google+ photographers, top photography instructors and some of the geniuses of social media. This is the first ever Google+ Photographer’s Conference on May 22-23, 2012 at San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.
Adobe Systems Incorporated announced Adobe® Photoshop® CS6 and Photoshop CS6 Extended software, major releases of the undisputed standard for professional digital imaging. Packed with new features and enhancements, the software includes groundbreaking innovations and unparalleled performance breakthroughs that expand the frontiers of imaging science, and deliver new levels of creativity and increased efficiency. Photoshop CS6 Extended integrates the state-of-the-art editing, compositing, and graphic design capabilities of Photoshop CS6, as well as advanced tools for 3D design*, image and video editing, and quantitative analysis which address the unique needs of the graphic design, video, Web, architecture, medical, manufacturing and engineering industries.
Photoshop CS6 features include:
Photoshop CS6 Extended includes all Photoshop CS6 features and:
Source: Canon Rumors
I read this article on CNET, a very interesting one which I would like to share. This article from CNET is about “How DxO Labs tests hot cameras like Canon's latest SLR”. CNET's Stephen Shankland went behind the scenes near Paris to see DxO put the highly anticipated EOS 5D Mark III through its paces. It's a rare look at one of the world's preeminent camera testers.
Canon's score of 81 means the 5D Mark III, while respectable, utterly failed to dethrone the highly regarded Nikon D800, with a top DxOMark score of 95, when it comes to image sensor performance. But DxO Labs' scientific testing yields some other findings that might surprise people used to photography conventional wisdom.
The Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador has some of the most amazing, terrifying eruptions in the world. This one, from 2006, shows molten lava streaming down the sides of the mountain while ash spews into the night sky. Volcano Tungurahua sometimes erupts spectacularly. Pictured above, molten rock so hot it glows visibly pours down the sides of the 5,000-meter high Tungurahua, while a cloud of dark ash is seen being ejected toward the left. Wispy white clouds flow around the lava-lit peak, while a star-lit sky shines in the distance. Located in Ecuador, Tungurahua has become active roughly every 90 years for the last 1,300 years
Source: NASA
The celestial Buddha named Hotei (in Japanese) or Budai is best known as the jolly Laughing Buddha. His large protruding stomach and jolly smile have given him the commondesignation "Laughing Buddha" in Chinese. In the west he is popularly known as "Fat Buddha." His name means "Cloth Sack," and comes from the bag that he carries. In China, he is known as the Loving or Friendly One. Laughing Buddha statues depict a stout, smiling or laughing bald man in robes with a largely exposed pot belly stomach, which symbolizes happiness, good luck, and plenitude and is often depicted as having the appearance of an amply proportioned bald man wearing a robe and wearing or otherwise carrying prayer beads. Laughing Buddha appears throughout Chinese culture as a representation of contentment. His image graces many temples, restaurants, amulets, and businesses. He carries his few possessions in a cloth sack, being poor but content. According to legend, if one rubs the Laughing Buddha's great belly, it brings forth wealth, good luck, and prosperity.
The National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography spells out the basics of fine photography—whether you are using a digital SLR or a film camera—as well as more advanced techniques for the amateur photographer. From the top twelve color moves to creative gift ideas to quality camera phone photography, this guide will not only inspire you but also arm you with the practical know-how to get great images. It is the indispensable reference for photographers everywhere. Straightforward and entertaining, this is the ultimate source for people seeking real how-to advice from the editors and photographers of National Geographic. It is carefully designed to lead the amateur photographer to better pictures and is comprehensive in scope, explaining the entire process from choosing a camera to taking the pictures to printing, scanning, and archiving the images.
You can view and purchase it here:
National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography from Flipkart.com
National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography from AmazonRobert Doisneau was known for his modest, playful, and ironic images of amusing juxtapositions, mingling social classes, and eccentrics in contemporary Paris streets and cafes. Doisneau's work gives unusual prominence and dignity to children's street culture; returning again and again to the theme of children at play in the city, unfettered by parents. His work treats their play with seriousness and respect.
Doisneau worked at Rapho until the outbreak of World War II, whereupon he was drafted into the French army as both a soldier and photographer. Some of Doisneau's most memorable photographs were taken after the war. He returned to freelance photography and sold photographs to Life and other international magazines. He briefly joined the Alliance Photo Agency but rejoined the Rapho agency in 1946 and remained with them throughout his working life, despite receiving an invitation from Henri Cartier-Bresson to join Magnum Photos.
His photographs never ridiculed the subjects; thus he refused to photograph women whose heads had been shaved as punishment for sleeping with Germans. In 1950 he created his most recognizable work for Life – Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville (Kiss by the Hôtel de Ville), a photo of a couple kissing in the busy streets of Paris, which became an internationally recognized symbol of young love in Paris.
You might be using various lenses for your DSLR cameras. The number of lenses that are available in the market are too many and is very easy to use. The best of best images can be shot using these lenses, but do you know how these lenses are made. Check out the video below where is shows how Canon 500mm f/4 L Lens are made.Source: PetaPixel
Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today introduced the EOS 60Da Digital SLR Camera, a long-awaited successor to the EOS 20Da that is optimized for astrophotography. This DSLR caters to astronomers and hobbyists who enjoy capturing the beauty of the night sky by offering a modified infrared filter and a low-noise sensor with heightened hydrogen-alpha sensitivity.
The Canon EOS 60Da camera packs a powerful 18-megapixel CMOS sensor (APS-C) that produces sharp and high-contrast images of astronomical objects, a major enhancement over the EOS 20Da model's 8.2-megapixel sensor. The improved infrared-blocking filter is a modification suited specifically toward astronomy enthusiasts to achieve a hydrogen-alpha light sensitivity that is approximately three times higher than that of a normal Canon DSLR camera. This produces a 20-percent higher transmittance of Hydrogen Alpha line, or Hα wavelength, allowing astronomers to capture crisp, clear images of reddish, diffuse nebulae.
The estimated retail price is $1,499.00 and it is expected to be available this month.
Source: Canon
Christian Ziegler, a tropical biologist turned photojournalist, specializing in tropical ecosystems has worked extensively in rain forests around the world for the last 15 years. Several research projects and his fascination for nature photography brought him to the tropical forests of Asia, Africa and Central America during his studies. Christian lived in Thailand where he worked as a free lance photographer for the WWF (World Wide Found for Nature). The year after Christian spent four months in the Ivory Cost of West Africa visiting both the Savannah and the rain forest. Since 1998, Christian has been working primarily in Panama, on Barro Colorado Island, a field station of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). After finishing his graduate work in 2000, his focus changed solely to the field of nature photography and journalism. He spent 15 month of fieldwork doing the photography for his picture book on the ecology of tropical rain forest “A magic Web”, which was published by Oxford University Press in November 2002.
In April 2002 Christian was appointed ‘associate for communication’ by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Over the years Christian won several international recognized awards, such as the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year (category 'behavior of all other animals' in 2005). He has completed dozens of magazine assignments, 8 of them for National Geographic Magazine covering topics ranging from ocelots ,tree frogs and monkeys to bats, deception in animals, visitors to a flowering rain forest tree, and orchids. Christian is interested in showing species in their ecosystem context, and sharing interesting behaviors. Christians work is published internationally in magazines such as the National Geographic Magazine, GEO, Smithsonian Magazine, BBC Wildlife Magazine and Natural History. Next to his magazine work, he thinks it important to work with conservation groups, such as WWF and others. Christian is a founding fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers .
Checkout this Photos here: [Link]
Source: National Geographic
Lightbox is a community of people from around the world sharing their unique experiences through photography. Lightbox is available on Google Chrome Store which can be installed in your Chrome browser or you can downloaded it for free on your Android device.
Following are some of the features:
Create a Timeline of your Photos:
All the photos you upload are automatically turned into a timeline of postcards on Lightbox.com. You can keep these photos private or selectively share them with friends, family, or the entire Lightbox community.
Publish your own Tumblr-Like Photo Blog:
Photos you share publicly will also get posted to your very own Lightbox website that other people can follow. You just focus on taking photos, and we'll automatically create an attractive website for you.
Example: http://ravindrajoisa.lightbox.com/
Here is a list with some of the favorite features that you may like in Photoshop CS6:
1. Crop tool – Cropping an image has been the same without any enhancement for a long time now. CS6 crop is non disruptive, it will not throw away data after cropping, you can always go back. Even after cropping, you can get the cropped image back and then edit. You can use the classic crop tool as well in the new CS6 if you are used to the older version.
2. Filters – Blur gallery now has 3 different types - Field, Iris and Tilt blur. You have great control over the blur and you can edit your photos which can't be captured photographically like focusing on more than one object at the same time.
3. Adaptive Wide Angle - Instead of cropping and do lens correction go for adaptive wide angle filter. Example is if you have a photo with too many buildings which appear curved because of the wide angle lens used, Photoshop CS6 allows you to adjust manually by drawing lines and edit the image and make it look much better.
4. Video Editing - You can edit videos using Photoshop but using CS6 it is much more streamlined. You can go to timeline and select the right layer and then add effects to your video. This can be done to the objects in the timeline. You don’t have to be a video editor to do this.
5. Content Aware Patch - This feature helps in a great way when it comes to editing your image at the edges. Usually in older versions, when we try to edit image at the edges; it used to leave white patch. This is not the case with the CS6.
6. Content Aware Move – This is a new feature in CS6. If an object in your image is in one corner and you want to drag that object then this tool is very helpful as it will recreate a background which looks so real.
Check out this video by Terry White:
The world’s best digital image editing software is about to get even better. Photoshop CS6 beta is now available as a free download from Adobe Labs in English and Japanese.
Here are some of the Photoshop CS6 Highlights:
Content-Aware Patch — Patch images with greater control using the newest member of the Content-Aware family of technologies. Choose the sample area you want to use to create your patch, and then watch Content-Aware Patch magically blend pixels for a stunning result.
Blazingly fast performance and a modern UI — Experience unprecedented performance with the Mercury Graphics Engine, which gives you near-instant results when you edit with key tools such as Liquify, Puppet Warp, and Crop. Plus, a refined, fresh, and elegant Photoshop interface features dark background options that make your images pop.
New and re-engineered design tools — Create superior designs fast. Get consistent formatting with type styles, create and apply custom strokes and dashed lines to shapes, quickly search layers, and much more.
Download Link: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta
Back in 2010, I had written an article on Google acquiring Picnik, the online photo editing tool in another blog of mine—Ravi’s Blog. And its hardly 2 years after acquisition of Picnik by Google and they wants to close Picnik. This is one of the products which Google has and will be closing in recent times. Picnik will be closed on 19th of April 2012. Some of the best features which were meant for premium users are now made free till the closing date. Premium users who had updated their subscription will get their entire money back. For those who were using Picnik, you don’t have to be sad as Picnik will now be embedded into Google+ where you can find many of your favorite Picnik effects. You can edit your photo that is uploaded on Google+ by clicking on “Creative Kit” under each uploaded photo.
Canon EOS 5D Mark III 22.3 MP Full Frame CMOS Digital SLR Camera (Body)
You can expect new Canon cameras end of this month and early next month.
Expected and Rumors:
5D Mark III/X – Expected on Feb 27th
Below are the specs for the coming 5D replacement, the full name of the camera is currently unknown.
Canon Rebel T4i
No real specs are available, except that it will come with a new EF-S 18-135 lens with a silent autofocus motor.
Will keep you all updated.. subscribe/follow to this blog to get the latest updates.
XS6Q9PQDRUGN Nikon had announced D4 and D800 recently. In addition to the D4 and D800, Nikon will announce three more DSLR cameras in 2012. Pre orders for Nikon D800 are available on Amazon and will be shipped sometime end of March. The new cameras might be all DX models - Nikon D3100, D7000 and D300s replacements. If you are planning to buy one then I would say wait for a while as cameras with higher MPs and many more better features are expected.
Megapixel, one million pixels, refers to the number of dots in a digital cameras and other digital displays. The megapixel measurement reflects the ratio of individual pixels in a screen as it is divided by one million. In simple terms, a megapixel tells a photographer the camera’s capacity to detail an image. Digital cameras tend to produce images at 2048 x 1536 pixels, which renders a 3.1 megapixel measurement. The higher the megapixel number, the greater the resolution of the digital image. Images with higher resolutions appear clearer, sharper and more vivid.
Buying a digital camera can be disorienting. There are hundreds of cameras available at many different types of retail outlets, with prices ranging from $75 (Rs. 3500) to several thousand dollars. This, of course, is the big question that you really want an answer to and you know that nobody is going to give you one. If you ask anyone who already has a camera most will support the brand of the camera they have unless they have had some trouble with it, even then people are very forgiving. Also, be careful about fake cameras. You think you paid for a popular brand until you reach home, tear the product box, and notice a slight variation in the spelling of manufacturer' name. You feel cheated but often it's too late to do anything about it. Digital cameras are expensive electronics items, you don't want to get the brand wrong. I am a fan of Canon as they are into this business for a long time and my opinion about manufacturers who make the best film cameras would be Canon, Nikon, and Olympus, seem to make the best digital cameras. There are many other brands like Kodak, Panasonic, Fujifilm, Sony, Samsung etc.
AI Servo is Canon's predictive autofocus (AF) system. The name is derived from the use of Artificial Intelligence
used to predict the speed and distance of the moving subject. It greatly increases your chance of getting a sharp image when your target is moving. It is the camera's ability to continuously focus on a moving subject, a feature normally only found on digital SLRs. It is generally used by sports or wildlife photographers to keep a moving subject in focus.
Autofocus Servo is normally engaged by switching focus mode to "AI Servo" in Canon or "Continuous" in Nikon followed by half-pressing the shutter release. The camera will continue to focus based on its own focus rules and your settings while the shutter release is half-pressed or fully depressed (actually taking shots). Predictive autofocusing happens whenever AI Servo is on and there's a readable subject with predictable movement where as Shutter release timing is controlled by the photographer for single shots and the first shot in a burst.
Belur, built in the year 1117 A.D. was the early capital of the Hoysala Empire. Belur is located in Hassan district, Karnataka, India. The main attraction in Belur is the Chennakesava temple complex which contains the Chennakesava Temple (meaning handsome Vishnu) as the centre piece, surrounded by the Kappe Chennigraya temple. The temple is one of the finest examples of Hoysala architecture; it was built by king Vishnuvardhana in commemoration of his victory over the Cholas at Talakad in 1117 A.D.Legend has it that it took 103 years to complete and Vishnuvardhana's grandson Veera Ballala II completed the task. The facade of the temple is filled with intricate sculptures and friezes with no portion left blank. The intricate workmanship includes elephants, lions, horses, episodes from the Indian mythological epics, and sensuous dancers (Shilabalikas). Inside the temple are a number of ornate pillars. Darpana Sundari (Lady with the mirror) carved on walls of Belur Temple is one of major attractions in the complex. This temple is being proposed as UNESCO world heritage sites.